B100: Dingbats Board Game

Dingbats Board Game photo
Info! Toy can be reserved.
  • Category: B
  • No Pieces: 12
  • Manufacturer: Holdson
  • Age: 7+ years
  • Rent: $1.50
  • Replacement cost: $25.00


DINGBATS BOARD GAME A cleverly disguised phrase or saying, that you have to figure out so that you can move up the board 2 - 4 Players 1 x Bag 1 x Box 1 set of Dingbat Cards 1 x Set of Diabolical Dingbat Cards 4 x Playing Pieces ( Red, Yellow, Blue, Green) 1 x Dice 1 x TImer 1 x Dingbats Winners Badge 1 x Set of rules 1 x Board Rent $1.50 for two weeks